1. USA Holding > 8500 tons of gold
The US government controls everything, Gold, the fiat currency, crude oil prices, interest rates, nuclear arms, defence technology, everything in short which is of any significant importance. Everythign else they are happy to outsource to countries down the totem-pole
10. India 550 tons of gold held by the government
The appetite of individual investors in India is negligible compared to the holdings in the soverign countries. Per capita a US citizen holds Gold more then any India citizen.
The crash is gold is a reminder to everyone that the middle class gets crushed whenever bubbles are created and gold is no exception. Full article here
The US government controls everything, Gold, the fiat currency, crude oil prices, interest rates, nuclear arms, defence technology, everything in short which is of any significant importance. Everythign else they are happy to outsource to countries down the totem-pole